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Gäste: »Clapping, For more?« – Ya-Wen Fu & Kai Chun Chuang

Mittwoch 26.04.2023 19:00 Uhr

Gäste: »Clapping, For more?« – Ya-Wen Fu & Kai Chun Chuang

Clapping, For more? ist eine Performance, in der das Spektrum vom einfachen Beifallklatschen bis zum rhythmischen Klatschen tänzerisch und klanglich angesprochen wird und die verschiedenen Qualitäten und Bedeutungen kollektiv geführt und erfahrbar gemacht werden. Mit unseren Händen applaudieren wir oder erzeugen Verbundenheit durch Berührungen unserer Hände zueinander. Für diese performative Inszenierung unserer Hände laden die Dresdner Tänzerin Seraphina Detscher, die Medienkünstlerin Ya-Wen Fu, der Sounddesigner Daniel Romero und der Choreograf Kai Chun Chuang zusammen ein.

Ein Beitrag zu Facing the Dance Dresden.
Gefördert durch das Ministerium für Kultur Taiwan.

About the Project
A burst of applause requires physical contact. When two palms touch each other, whether the claps produced are loud and fierce or soft and rhythmic depends on the owner of the palms. Clapping, For more? If we expand the symbolic meaning of the palms, they can be viewed as a field for receiving messages communicated between people. Messages about one’s feelings are highlighted by experimentally amplifying the clapping of hands with vague motives. A shower of applause, like a shower of rain, nourishes and washes the recipients with a sense of achievement. The clapping sounds may be the light at the end of the tunnel, leading to a new departure, but people tend to forget about the destructiveness of these touching hands: how many times do I have to rebuild my Self after those physical, palm-to-palm touches? To mull over what I’ve been through and look forward to something even better? The sounds, triggered by power charged through palms, travel between the performers and the audience like an invisible line that links those on and off the stage. The 2023 project Clapping, For more? is a new, cross-disciplinary production by media artist Ya-Wen Fu, choreographer Kai-Chun Chuang, sound artist Daniel Romero and dresden dancer Seraphina Detscher. They attempt to integrate diverse elements into the project by stepping out of their fields of expertise to be engaged in experimental collaborations and discussions embracing plural perspectives. As the exchanges, disagreements, and working toward a common ground push them out of their usual creative models, their ways of thinking also go through invisible changes.

»Clapping, For more?« in der TheaterRuine St. Pauli

Foto: Ya-Wen Fu

Aufführung »Gäste: »Clapping, For more?« – Ya-Wen Fu & Kai Chun Chuang«: Mittwoch 26.04.2023 19:00 Uhr

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